Books: Single Authored
- Bolton G (2014) Fourth Edition: Reflective Practice Writing and Professional Development. London: Sage Publications.
- Bolton G with Rowland S (2014) Inspirational Writing for Academic Publication. London: Sage Publications
- Bolton G (2013) The Writer’s Key: Creative Solutions for Life. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
- Bolton G (2011) Write Yourself: Creative Writing and Personal Development. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
- Bolton G (2010) Third Edition: Reflective Practice Writing and Professional Development. London: Sage Publications
- Bolton G (2005) Second Edition: Reflective Practice Writing and Professional Development. London: Sage Publications
- Bolton, G. (2001) Reflective Practice Writing and Professional Development. London: Sage Publications
- Bolton, G. (1999) The Therapeutic Potential of Creative Writing: Writing Myself. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Books: Joint Authored
- Wright J, Bolton G (2012) Reflective Writing in Counselling and Psychotherapy. London: Sage Publications
Books: Edited
- Bolton, G., Field, V, Thompson, K. (2010) Writing Routes: A Resource Handbook of Therapeutic Writing. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
- Bolton, G (2008) Dying, Bereavement and the Healing Arts. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
- Bolton, G, Field, V. Thompson, K. (2006) Writing Works: A Resource Handbook for Therapeutic Writing Workshops and Activities. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
- Bolton, G. Howlett, S. Lago, C. Wright, J. (2004) Writing Cures: An Introductory Handbook of Writing in Counselling and Psychotherapy. London: Brunner-Routledge
Photograph by Masha Ogai Refereed Journal papers:
- Bolton G (2012) Who is telling the story? The critical role of the narrator in reflective and reflexive writing. Educational Reflective Practices. 2(1): 35-54
- Bolton G, Ihanus J (2011) Conversation about Poetry/Writing Therapy: European Perspectives. Journal of Poetry Therapy. 24 (3) pp167-186
- Bolton G (2009) Writing Values: Reflective Writing for Professional Development. The Lancet. 373 pp20-21
- Bolton G (2008) Boundaries of Humanity: Writing Medical Humanities (full keynote paper First ANZ Association of Medical Humanities conference 2006). Arts and Humanities in Higher Education. 7(2)147-165
- Bolton G (2008) “Writing is a way of saying things I can’t say.” Therapeutic Creative Writing: a qualitative study of its value to people with cancer cared for in cancer and palliative health care. Journal of Medical Ethics: Medical Humanities. 34(1)40-47
- Bolton G (2007) ‘Narrative and Poetry writing for professional development: Keynote Paper for First ANZ Association of Medical Humanities conference (2006).’ Australian Family Physician, the Journal of the Royal College of Australian General Practitioners. 36 (12):1055-1056
- Bolton G (2006) Narrative writing: reflective enquiry into professional practice. Education Action Research Journal. 14 (2): 203-218
- Bolton G (2005) Medicine and Literature: writing and reading. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 1 (2) 171-179
- Elford H, Wilson F, McKee K, Bolton G, Chung MC, Goudie F (2004) Psychosocial benefits of solitary reminiscence writing. Ageing and Mental Health. 9(5): 305-314
- Argyle E, Bolton G (2004) The use of art within a groupwork setting. Groupwork 14 (1) pp 65-81
- Bolton G (2003) Medicine, the Arts and Humanities (Commentary). The Lancet. 362 (9378) 93-94
- Mckee K.J, Elford, H, Wilson F, Hinchliffe S, Goudie F, Chung MC, Bolton G
- (2001) The impact of reminiscence on quality of life. Gerontology, 47, suppl 1, 618
- Howe A, Bolton G, Smith BH (2001) Really good stuff: the use of creative writing for medical education. Medical Education. 35 1075-1076
- Bolton G, Gelipter D, Nelson P (2000) Keep taking the words: therapeutic writing in primary care. British Journal of General Practice. 50 (450) 80-81
- Hannay D, Bolton, G. (2000) Therapeutic Writing in Primary Care: a Feasibility Study. Primary Care Psychiatry. 5 157-160
- Bolton, G. (1999) Stories at Work: Reflective Writing for Practitioners. The Lancet. 354 pp243-245
- Bolton, G. (1999) Reflections through the Looking Glass: The Story of a Course of Writing as a Reflexive Practitioner; Teaching in Higher Education 4(2): (193-212)
- Bolton, G. (1999) Every Poem Breaks a Silence which had to be Overcome: The Therapeutic Power of Poetry; Feminist Review 62 Summer, 118-133
- Bolton, G. (1995) Taking the Thinking out of it: Writing, a Therapeutic Space; The Journal of the British Association for Counselling 6(3): 215- 218
- Bolton, G. (1994) Stories at Work: Fictional~Critical Writing as a Means of Professional Development. British Education Research Journal; 20, 1, 55-68
- Bolton, G. (1994) Stories at Work: Writing Fiction for Professional Development. Issues in Social Work Education 14(2):21-33
- Bolton, G. (1992) Just a Bobble Hat: the Story of a Writing as Therapy Training Workshop. Changes, International Journal of Psychology and Pychotherapy. 11(1): 37-43
- Harrison, B.T, and Bolton, G. (1990) Realising Through Writing; The Creative Self in the New Era: Journal of Institute of Education, Hull University, 42: 96-108
- Bolton (Rowland), G. Rowland, S. and Winter, R. (1990) Writing Fiction as Enquiry into Professional Practice; Journal of Curriculum Studies. 22(3): 291-193
Edited Refereed Journal Sections
- Bolton G Editor: Opening the Word Hoard: Medicine and Literature in each issue of Journal of Medical Ethics: Medical Humanities, from its first issue June 2000 26 (1), until 2010
- Bolton G Editor: The Healer?s Art: Arts in Palliative Care in each issue of Progress in Palliative Care from 2004 12 (2) – 2006 Bolton G Editor: The Healer?s Art: Poetry Page in each issue of Progress in Palliative Care from 1996 4 (6) – 2004 12 (1)

Chapters in Books
- Bolton, G. (2012) Write to learn! Not learn to write! In Ross, C. Words for Wellbeing. Penrith: Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Bolton G (2009) Therapeutic writing: ‘writing is a way of saying things I can’t say’. In Narrative and Stories in Health Care: Illness, dying and bereavement Gunaratnam Y, Oliviere D (eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Bolton G (2009) Therapeutic Creative Writing; Poetry Therapy: a conversation with Juhani Ihanus. In Inhanus J. (ed )Sanat Että Hoitaisimme. Helsinki: Kustunnus oy Duodecim
- Bolton G (2008) Tread softly because you tread on my dreams’: principles of reflective and therapeutic writing. In Hymer B, Whitehead J, Huxtable M Gifts, Talents and Education: a Living Theory Approach. Chichester, Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell
- Bolton G. (2007) Reflections in Writing. In Field V. Ansari Z. Prompted to Write. Truro: Fal Publications
- Bolton G. (2004) The principle of life? Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus, by Mary Shelley. In Salinsky J (ed) Medicine and Literature II:The Doctors’ Guide to the Classics (pp 35-52). Abingdon, Oxon: Radcliffe Medical Press
- Bolton G (2003) Around the slices of herself?. In Etherington K (ed) Transformations: Healing the Wounds of Childhood Trauma. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
- Bolton G (2003) Riverside Community Health Project: Experiences told by workers. In Kai J, Drinkwater C Primary Care in Urban Disadvantaged Communities. Oxford: Radcliffe Press
- Bolton G. (2002) I recharge myself from my experience: Reflective and therapeutic writing in palliative care. In Mason C. (ed) Journeys into Palliative Care: Roots and Reflections. pp80-98 London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Bolton, G. (2001) Open the Box: Writing a Therapeutic Space. In BAC Counselling Reader, Vol 2 (pp 106-112). Ed.: Milner P. London: Sage publications
- Bolton G. (2001) Beyond the shadow of the ship: a magical mystery tour with the ancient mariner. In Salinsky J (ed) Medicine and Literature: the Doctors’ Guide to the Classics (pp207-220). Abingdon, Oxon: Radcliffe Medical Press
- Bolton, G. (2001) The Captain Unlocked his Word Hoard: Poetry as Key for Healthcare. In: Martyn Evans, Ilora Finlay (eds.) Medical Humanities (pp119-135). London: BMJ Publications
- Bolton, G. (2001) Understanding Misunderstanding in Medical Consultation. In: Kirklin D, Richardson R. (eds) Medical Humanities (pp89-108). London: Royal College of Physicians
- Bolton G (2001) Writing for well being: the mystery and mastery of running writers groups. In Getting better line by line. Signposts, Sheffield Writing Development Project
- Bolton, G. (1999) Writing as a reflective practitioner. In Philipp, R. Baum, M. Mawsom, A. Calman, Sir K. Humanities in Medicine
Edited Book Series
- Baraitser, M. (2014) Reading and Expressive Writing with Traumatised Children, Young Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Unpack My Heart with Words. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
- Moss, J. (2012) Writing in Bereavement: a Creative Handbook. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
- Chavis, G. G. (2011) Poetry and Story Therapy: The Healing Power of Creative Expression. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
- Thompson, K. (2011) Therapeutic Journal Writing: an Introduction for Professionals. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
- Bolton, G. (2017) Foreword. In Alexander, J. Using Writing as a Therapy for Eating Disorders: the Diary Healer. Abingdon, Oxon: Rutledge
- Bolton, G. (2008) ‘In the rag and bone shop of the heart’. In The Healing Pen. Cancer Care West
- Bolton, G. (2005) Foreword. In Hedges, D. Poetry, Therapy and Emotional Life. Oxford: Radcliffe Press
Articles in Professional Journals
- Bolton G (2012) Writing as therapy. Thresholds: Counselling with Spirit Journal of British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. Spring. pp10-13
- Bolton G (2009) Write to learn: reflective practice writing. InnovAiT: Journal for Associates in Training Royal College General Practitioners 2 (12) 752-754
- Bolton G (2006) My magical mystery tour Lapidus Quarterly Summer pp4-7
- Bolton G (2006) Why read? Lapidus Quarterly Spring pp25-27
- Bolton G (2004) Discover the value of writing as therapy Five to Eleven. 3 (12) pp21-23
- Bolton G, Stoner A (2004) Follow the Mind’s Wings: therapeutic writing Context: the Magazine for family Therapy and Systemic Practice. 75 October, 22-24
- Bolton G (2003) The Best Medicine. Mslexia. Octnovdec pp23-24
- Wilson, F., Elford, H., Hinchliff, S, Bolton, G., Chung, MC., Goudie,F. Mckee, K. Reminisence: is living in the past good for wellbeing? Nursing and Residential Care. 5 (10)
- Bolton G (2003) Lift the box lid: reflective practice writing for professional development. Clinical Psychology. 27 July 34-41
- Wilson, F., Elford, H., Mckee, K., Bolton, G., Chung, MC., Goudie,F., and Hinchliff, S. (2001) Reflections on a reminiscence project: Engaging frail older people in a written approach to reminiscence type-activities. In Tester S, Archibald C, Rowlings C, Turner S (eds) Proceedings of the British Society of Gerontology 30th Annual Conference,Stirling 187-190
- Elford, H., Mckee, K., Wilson, F., Hinchliff, S., Bolton,G., Chung, MC, Goudie, F. (2001) Evaluating the Impact of Reminiscence on the Quality of Life of Older People. Proceedings of the British Psychological Society Conference Vol 9, No2, p180
- Bolton G (2001) The blood jet is poetry. Clinical Psychology. 7 39-42
- Mckee, K.J., Bolton, G, Chung, MC, Elford, H.,Goudie, F., and Wilson, F. (2000) Evaluating the impact of reminiscence on quality of life
- Proceedings of the British Society of Gerontology 29th Annual Conference, p372
- Bolton G (2000) On becoming our own shaman: creative writing as therapy. Context: the Magazine for Family Therapy and Systemic Practice. 47 pp18-20
Letters & Poetry in Refereed Journals
- Bolton G (2001) Doctors order a dose of ethics (letter) Times Higher Education Supplement. 15 June 2001, p17
- Bolton G (2001) Literature and medicine (letter) The Lancet. 357 p1441-2
- Bolton G (2000) A Christmas Gift from Siberia (poem) British Journal of General Practice 50 (461) p1029
- Bolton G (2000) Of course Haloes are out of Fashion (poem) The Lancet 355 p1193
- Bolton G. (2000) Red Shoes (poem) British Journal of General Practice. 50 (453) p351
- Bolton, G. (1999) Not Poetry Please (letter). British Journal of General
- Practice. 49 449 p1010
- Bolton, G. (1997) Reflections in Writing on H.E. (poem) Teaching in Higher Education. 2, 3
- Bolton, G. (1997) Project will assess effects of patients writing about their terminal illness on self-perceived quality of life (letter); British Medical Journal 314, 7092, 1486
- Bolton, G (1997) A Log Fire Warms You Twice (poem). The Lancet 349, p1183
- Bolton, G (1997) No Thank You (poem) The Lancet 349, p217
- Bolton, G. (1997) Dregs (poem) Progress in Palliative Care. 5, 1, p34
- Bolton, G. (1995) Writing from the Source, Research for Spiritual Writing. London: Quaker Resources for Learning
- Bolton, G. (1995) Writing Yourself, Keeping a Spiritual Portfolio. London: Quaker Resources for Learning
- Bolton, G. (1994) Writing the Spirit, Material for Spiritual Exploration. London: Quaker Resources for Learning
Creative Publications
- Bolton, G. (1998) Wings have other uses. In Hart D. Needs Be: A Poetry Book of Obsessions. Redditch, Worcs: Flarestack Publications
- Bolton, G. (1997) Hole in the Moon (poetry collection); Leicester: Waldean Press
- Bolton, G., Padfield, D. (Eds) (1996) Reflections in Writing. Kelso: Curlew Press
There have been many poems published in Poetry Journals and Magazines. But I’m sorry – I never kept a record of them!